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Books About the Outdoors

Books about all things outdoors - be they canoe guides by Kevin Callan, bushcraft skills by Mor Kochanski or Ray Mears, emergency medical guides, field guides for plants and animals - we have all your outdoor books needs.
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Firefly Books
Gränsfors Bruk
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Juan Pablo Quinonez
Kevin Callan Books
Lone Pine Publishing
Loops & Lattes
Nielsen and Norén Förlag
Penumbra Press
coec choiceScared Legends of the Sandy Lake CreeSacred Legends $14.86UScoec choiceLegends From The ForestLegends from The Forest $14.86UScoec choiceTrangia Moment Outdoor CookbookTrangia Moment Outdoor Cookbook $5.96US
coec choiceBushcraft by Mors KochanskiBushcraft by Mors Kochanski $14.86US
coec choiceTop 70 Canoe Routes of OntarioTop 70 Canoe Routes of Ontario $26.08US
coec choiceThe Legend of the MimigwesseosThe Legend of the Mimigwesseos $7.41UScoec choiceLyme Disease, Ticks and YouLyme Disease, Ticks and You $14.86UScoec choiceKevin Callan - Another Bend in the River - The Happy Camper's MemoirAnother Bend in the River - The Happy Camper's Memoir $18.59US
coec choiceGransfors Bruk Coffee Table BookGransfors Bruk Coffee Table Book $55.94USMushrooms of Ontario and Eastern CanadaMushrooms of Ontario and Eastern Canada $22.31US
Thrive - Long Term Survival GuideThrive - Long Term Wilderness Survival Guide $25.29US
Kevin Callan's A Paddler's Guide to Killarney and the French River - 2nd EditionA Paddler's Guide to Killarney and the French River - Second Edition $18.59US
Canadian Outdoor Survival GuideCanadian Outdoor Survival Guide $18.59US
Gransfors Bruks Axe BookGränsfors Bruk Axe Book $5.22US
A Paddler's Guide to Quetico and BeyondA Paddler's Guide to Quetico and Beyond $18.59US
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Survival SkillsOutdoors the Scandinavian Way - Survival Skills $22.16US
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Summer EditionOutdoors the Scandinavian Way - Summer Edition $22.16US
The New Trailside CookbookThe New Trailside Cookbook $14.86US
Waterloo, Wellington & Guelph HikesWaterloo, Wellington & Guelph Hikes $22.31US
A Paddler's Guide to Ontario's Cottage CountryA Paddler's Guide to Ontario's Cottage Country $14.86US
Ray Mears Essential BushcraftRay Mears Essential Bushcraft $14.89US
Kevin Callan's A Paddler's Guide to Algonquin Park - 3rd EditionA Paddler's Guide to Algonquin Park - 3rd Edition $23.59US
Swedish BlacksmithingSwedish Blacksmithing $46.94US
Birds of OntarioBirds of Ontario $21.57US
Canoe Atlas of the Little NorthCanoe Atlas of the Little North $70.78US
Dazed but Not Confused - Tales of a Wilderness WandererDazed But Not Confused - Tales of a Wilderness Wanderer $18.62US
Knots for KidsKnots for Kids $5.21US
Caledon HikesCaledon Hikes $22.31US
Plants of Southern OntarioPlants of Southern Ontario $24.55US
Out On The Land - Ray Mears and Lars FältOut On The Land - Ray Mears and Lars Fält $35.39US
Once Around Algonquin - An Epic Canoe JourneyOnce Around Algonquin - An Epic Canoe Journey $14.86US
Ontario Nature GuideOntario Nature Guide $14.86US
Halton HikesHalton Hikes $22.31US
Wilderness Axe Skills and CampcraftWilderness Axe Skills and Campcraft $27.38US
Complete Guide to Winter Camping 2nd EditionComplete Guide to Winter Camping - 2nd Edition $18.59US
Get Outside Children's BookGet Outside $20.86US
British Columbia Nature GuideBritish Columbia Nature Guide $18.59US
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using a KnifeOutdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using a Knife $18.44US
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using an AxeOutdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using an Axe $18.44US
Spirit Animals - The Wisdom of NatureSpirit Animals - The Wisdom of Nature $14.12US

About Books

Even in the age of computers and e-readers, there’s still something alluring about books. They can be taken anywhere, there's always room in a pack to throw one in, they don’t require any power, and they can be lifesavers when you’re stuck in your tent or under a tarp on stormy days. We’ve carefully selected our book lineup to be instructional, educational, and insightful, and to impart useful information, techniques and concepts to further your appreciation of the outdoors and outdoor skills and knowledge. Books on bushcraft, paddling, canoeing, guidebooks, smithing and field guides are amongst our best loved, and we hope that they will become favourite books of yours as well.

Types of Books

Books of Indigenous Knowledge Canada's Indigenous Peoples have millennia of deep, accumulated knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the ways to best interact and commune with it that have been passed down through generations.
Books for Kids Books are an excellent way to instil a sense of wonder and to teach children about the outdoors, and the flora and fauna that share this planet with us.
Kevin Callan Books Kevin Callan's canoe guides are some of the best written, most informative guides for routes throughout the province of Ontario. He's penned over 15 books about canoeing and camping.
Mors Kochanski Books Learn from the books of veteran wilderness survival instructor and the godfather of bushcraft, Mors Kochanski.
Lars Fält Books Read books by Lars Fält, the elder statesman of Swedish bushcraft, outdoors and survival training, and learn Outdoors the Scandinavian Way.
Ray Mears Books Ray Mears' books are impeccably written and laid out - definitive works in the art of bushcraft.
Ray Goodwin Books Ray has paddled on 4 continents & was the first person to complete circumnavigation of Wales and an unsupported crossing of the Irish Sea. His book "Canoeing" details many facets and techniques for safe and effective canoe and water travel.
Blacksmithing Books Books on the art of blacksmithing including forging projects and information on practices and techniques. A must read for anyone interested in forging and blacksmithing.
Canadian Canoe Guides Going Canoeing in Canada? Need maps? How to books? Route suggestions? We've got canoe route books by Kevin Callan and others to get you out there.
Classic Outdoor Books Some outdoor books are so well written, exhaustive and well loved, they truly are outdoor classics, and would do well on any outdoor person’s bookshelf - be they novice, or seasoned expert.
Canadian Field Guides The Canadian Outdoor Equipment Co. carries field guides specific to Canada and Ontario. These field guides include: Mushrooms, Wild Edibles, Fish, Trees, Mammals, Wild Berries, Weather and more.
First Aid Guides First aid emergency guides are invaluable for any outdoors person or activities - be they hikers, canoeists, campers or hunters.
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