Read books by Lars Fält, the elder statesman of Swedish bushcraft, outdoors and survival training, and learn Outdoors the Scandinavian Way.

Lars Fält Books
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About Lars Fält Books
Lars Fält is the elder statesman of Swedish bushcraft, outdoors and survival training. He established the Swedish Survival School in 1980, and was an instructor for 35 years at at the Swedish Ranger School in Kiruna, Lapland and the Parachute Training School, Karlsborg, Additionally, he has worked alongside indigenous peoples in Canada, Siberia and Australia picking up skills and techniques along the way.
Our Lars Fält Books
We stock only the best in Lars Fält Books so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Survival SkillsLars Fält has a long and storied career as an elder statesman of bushcraft, survival, and outdoor living. Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Survival Skills delves into how to build shelter, make fire, procure safe, drinkable water, obtain food, use certain edible plants, and use the skills and knowledge of indigenous peoples when facing survival situations.
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Summer EditionLars Fält is a much loved and respected Swedish elder statesman of bushcraft, survival, and outdoor living. Outdoors the Scandinavian Way (Summer Edition) is the first English translation of Lars's work, and provides an excellent overview of summer outdoor back country travel and living, including biological and physiological needs, outdoor equipment, cutting tools, axes, saws, canoeing, wild plants, fire making, knots and much more.
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using a KnifeLars Fält's guide for all things Knife: knife history and use by indigenous peoples, how to use a knife safely, how to teach children to use a knife, sharpening, care, cleaning and maintenance of not only the blade, but the handle and sheath as well. Lars Fält has a long and storied history in the Swedish outdoor and survival community, and a lifetime of knife use, and knife use instruction.
Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Using an AxeLars Fält's guide for all things Axe: axe history, what you can use an axe for, how to safely use one, how to correctly sharpen an axe, how to replace an axe handle, how to care for it. Lars Fält has a long and storied history in the Swedish outdoor and survival community, and is responsible for the design of the Gransfors Bruk Outdoor Axe.
Sold Out Outdoors the Scandinavian Way - Winter EditionCovering the other great time of year to get outdoors, the much revered Swedish elder statesman of bushcraft, survival, and outdoor living Lars Fält brings you Outdoors the Scandinavian Way (Winter Edition). This book provides an in depth overview of winter gear and equipment, food and drink, safety and medical emergencies, weather, navigation, group dynamics, snow shelters and much more. Written in a clear, informative style and accompanied by colour illustrations.