Ray Mears' books are impeccably written and laid out - definitive works in the art of bushcraft.

Ray Mears Books
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About Ray Mears Books
Ray Mears is a best selling English educator, filmmaker and author who resides in the “holy trinity”of bushcraft (the other members being Mors Kochanski, and Lars Fält). Best known for his excellent BBC series “Bushcraft” which brought his extensive knowledge and love of the outdoors to millions of adoring fans, Ray Mears’ books are dedicated to instilling his passion and knowledge of the techniques, skills and methods of bushcraft that he has acquired and mastered in his travels. “Essential Bushcraft” is one of the best manuals on making fires, shelter, cordage and general outdoor and survival techniques available today, and is sure to be welcomed on the shelves of any aspiring outdoorsman or woman.
Our Ray Mears Books
We stock only the best in Ray Mears Books so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Ray Mears Essential BushcraftThis is the bible of bushcraft: Water, shelter, fire, cordage, food, outfits...it's all here. 240 pages of everything (or almost everything) you need to know about bushcraft.
Out On The Land - Ray Mears and Lars FältOut On The Land by Ray Mears and Lars Fält pairs two of bushcraft's holy trinity (the third being Mors Kochanski), and is a vast, fascinating look at the landscape, peoples, cultures, and wilderness of the boreal forest.