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Books for Kids

Books are an excellent way to instil a sense of wonder and to teach children about the outdoors, and the flora and fauna that share this planet with us.
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Firefly Books
Lone Pine Publishing

About Books for Kids

Books are an excellent way to foster curiosity, and instil wonder about the natural world in children - be it through teaching skills like tying knots, or exploring field guides of flora and fauna, or learning about First Nation's culture and approach to the natural world.

Our Books for Kids

We stock only the best in Books for Kids so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Mammals of Canada
Mammals of CanadaThe mighty polar bear. The plucky beaver. The majestic caribou. These iconic animals are etched in our national consciousness (and on our coins), but they represent only a small fraction of the amazing variety of mammals found in Canada's wild.
Knots for Kids
Knots for KidsThe ability to tie the proper knot for a given application is an often overlooked, though essential element of one’s outdoor repertoire. Teaching kids these skills early sets them up for success not only in their their outdoor pursuits, now and throughout their lives, but in many aspects of everyday life as well.
Get Outside Children's Book
Get Outside Children's BookGet Outside is an illustrated hardcover book to teach and inspire your little wild ones about the ABC's of the great outdoors, and all the wonderful ways it can be enjoyed.
Spirit Animals
Spirit AnimalsOur Aboriginal Elders tell of a time when animals and humans could speak to each other. When humans became too greedy and killed more animals than they needed for food, the Creator changed that relationship to protect the animals. So the Creator made a Spirit Animal to represent each one and granted them gifts they could give to people.
Wildlife Watcher Guide
Wildlife Watcher GuideA comprehensive guide for kids who are aspiring wildlife photographers, this book provides essential advice on how to track, observe and photograph wildlife in their natural habitat. Practical chapters are interspersed with question and answer spreads that give a glimpse into the adventures of real-life wildlife photographers.
Ontario Animal Tracks
Sold Out Ontario Animal TracksOntario Animal Tracks will help you identify tracks of all shapes and sizes, from the Deer Mouse to the White-tailed Deer. This book is perfect for children, teachers, parents, backwoods explorers and naturalists.
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