Crosscut Saws

About Saws
There are times when axes are much quicker and easier to use for collecting and processing wood, but they are other times when saws become the tool of choice. When tired or fatigued, or after a sip of whiskey by the fire, an axe becomes a poor choice compared to a saw for collecting and processing wood.
When felling very large timbers, or breaking up felled trees into fire wood, a good crosscut saw can work more efficiently and in a shorter time than an axe to get the job done.
The diameter of the trees you’re cutting will help determine the size and style of the saw you need. For small diameter trees, or while clearing a trail, a folding pocket saw is ideal. For bucking up firewood, or to take on a hiking or canoe trip, a folding bucksaw can accomplish a great deal of work while taking up very little space in a hiking or canoe pack.
For larger jobs, such as felling trees, or cutting rounds from logs, our sharpen-able, English made crosscut saws are ideal.