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Usable under any conditions and in any weather, firesteels can light stoves and fires and even act as a signal flare.
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Light My Fire
Mora of Sweden

Our Firesteels

We stock only the best in Firesteels so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Casstrom Firesteel
Casstrom FiresteelCasström's Firesteels are high-quality, European-made ferrocerium rods for use in all weather and conditions. They feature 9.5 mm (0.4") diameter rod rated for 12,000+ strikes.
Exotac fireROD Replaceable Firesteel with Tinder Capsule
Exotac fireROD Replaceable Firesteel with Tinder CapsuleThe Exotac fireRod is a ferrocerium firesteel that features a replaceable rod (when worn), and an air-tight screw-top capsule for the storage of tinder, water purification tabs, etc..
Exotac fireROD XL Replaceable Firesteel with Tinder Capsule
Exotac fireROD XL Replaceable Firesteel with Tinder CapsuleFor those feeling insecure about the size of their firesteel, Exotac presents the fireROD XL - measuring 9cm long x 1.2cm in diameter, the fireROD provides plenty of sparking power, as well as a generous tinder capsule for firestarting materials or water purification tabs, 4 quickLIGHT firestarters, and 30 cm of repair tape. Go big or go home!
Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel BIO  - Army Model
Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel BIO - Army ModelNewly updated with bio-based plastics, the Swedish Firesteel BIO Army provides a dependable, waterproof 3000℃ spark that makes fire lighting easy in all types of weather, or at any altitude.
Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel BIO - Scout Model
Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel BIO - Scout ModelThe updated BIO 2.0 Scout firesteel now uses bio plastics, and retains it's combo striker/emergency whistle. Rated to 3,000 strikes with a 3000℃ spark, the Scout is perfect for lighting stoves, fires, barbecues or as an emergency signal.
Exotac fireROD XL Ferro Rod Refill Kit
Exotac fireROD XL Ferro Rod Refill KitReplacement ferrocerium rod for the Exotac fireROD XL.
Exotac fireROD Ferro Rod Refill Kit
Exotac fireROD Ferro Rod Refill KitReplacement ferrocerium rods for the Exotac fireROD.
EOG "Weatherproof" 3-Peice Bellowing KitThe EOG "Weatherproof" 3-Piece Bellowing Kit is comprised of three items: EOG's Baddest Bee fire fuses (8 pieces), an EZ Ignite firesteel, and EOG's Pocket Bellows. The fire fuses and firesteel provides the user with the means to start a fire in windy/rainy/inclement weather, and then by using the Pocket Bellows, the ability to quickly ramp up flames even with wet or punky wood.
Survival Kit for Garberg and Kansbol Knives
Survival Kit for Garberg and Kansbol KnivesThe Survival Kit for the Mora Garberg and Kansbol is designed to be used with Mora's poly sheath to expand it's capabilities. The survival kit has a slim profile and provides the means to a secure firesteel, and includes a diamond sharpening plate and a reflective lanyard.
Kupilka Firesteel 8
Sold Out Kupilka Firesteel 8The Kupilka Firesteel 8 firesteel features an 8mm diameter European sourced ferrocerium rod, an ethically produced reindeer leather lanyard, and a large (can be used with mitts on) handle made from Kupilka's unique Kareline bio-material.

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