Woolpower Hand & Head Gear

About Woolpower Hand & Head Gear
After cold feet, cold hands and heads can be impediments to truly enjoying the outdoors if not adequately protected. Available in LITE, and 400g/m² material, this is where Woolpower toques, beanies, and mitts, and wrist gaiters come in. Beanies are perfect for high aerobic activities such as cross country skiing or jogging, or when temperatures are high enough to require some thermal protection, but not a heavier 400g/m² toque. These are best reserved for winter weather, or cold, rainy spring and late fall days. Woolpower mitts make excellent thermal liners (they do require a shell to prevent wind from penetrating - after all Woolpower garments are 80% air), and wrist gaiters are perfect in cool spring or fall weather when you require some protection, but need fine motor control with use of your digits (fly fishing, or at the camp kitchen).