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Clay and Corn Cob Pipes

The Voyageur would stop each hour to smoke their pipes, and settling into a pipe after camp is set after a hard day's journey can be one of the day's highlights.
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Our Pipes

We stock only the best in Pipes so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Shenandoah Corn Cob Pipe
Shenandoah Corn Cob PipeHandcrafted from heirloom Indian and white corn, the Shenandoah corn cob pipe is a simple, straightforward design that features a plastered bottom, lacquered bowl, and a bamboo shank/stem.
Chesapeake Corn Cob Pipe
Chesapeake Corn Cob PipeSimple and straightforward, the Chesapeake corn cob pipe features a handcrafted bowl grown from artisanal Indian corn, and a bamboo stem - that's it, that's all. Completely bio-degradable (in case it is lost or misplaced), the Chesapeake corn cob pipe is a time honoured, classic design.
Laughing King Indian Corn Cob Pipe
Laughing King Indian Corn Cob PipeThe largest of the corn cob pipes, The Laughing King corn cob pipe features a handcrafted bowl grown from artisanal Indian corn, and a bamboo stem - making it completely bio-degradable (in case it is lost or misplaced). The Laughing King corn cob pipe is a time honoured, classic design.
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