Helle knife making kits are designed for those who are just starting out making their own knives, and includes everything you need to make your own knife and sheath.
Helle Knife Making Kits For those just beginning, the knife making process may seem daunting - Helle's unfinished Harding and Byggesset kits allow one to "get their feet wet" so to speak without having to start at square one.
Front Fittings Front fittings seat between the top of the handle and the spine of the blade.
Butts/Pins Used to secure the end of a stick tang into the end of the handle, by peening the end of the tang into the butt and handle.
Helle Steinbit Brass Butt #5The Helle Steinbit flat brass butt #5 is a flat style butt that fits the Steinbit blade blank.
Helle Speiderkniven Front Fitting The Helle Speiderkniven front fitting set is designed for use with the Speiderkniven blade blank, is made from stainless steel, and includes a front fitting and finger guard.
Helle Partly Finished HardingHelle's Partly Finished Harding is the perfect starting point for those wishing to explore making their own, but who may feel daunted by starting with only a blade blank. Featuring a triple laminated Harding blade installed in rough sawn oak and curly birch with leather spacers, the partly finished Harding awaits forming, shaping, and polishing of the handle to your own unique specifications.
Helle Harding Front FittingThe Helle Harding front fitting is made from stainless steel, and marries with the Helle Harding blade blank.
Helle Wabakimi Blade BlankHelle's Wabakimi Blade Blank for creating your own unique handle. Made in Norway from Helle's H3LS triple laminate stainless steel.
Helle Alden Front FittingThe Helle Alden front fitting is made from stainless steel, and marries with the Helle Alden blade blank.
Helle Harding Brass Butt #2The Helle Harding brass butt allows for the use of a leather strap to help secure in it's sheath.