Before there was Les Stroud, there was Dick Proenneke - a true trail blazer. "Alone in the Wilderness" remains one of the best outdoor reality films ever made - inspiring generation after generation.

Dick Proenneke DVDs
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About Dick Proenneke DVDs
Dick Proenneke is an outdoor film making pioneer, who’s expertise, workmanship and storytelling has brought his 35 years of independent living in the Alaskan wilderness into the consciousness of millions. A mainstay of PBS fundraising drives, Dick’s DVD’s offer a glimpse into his life alone in the Alaskan wilds, where his ingenuity and circumspection still inspires more than 40 years on.
Our Dick Proenneke DVDs
We stock only the best in Dick Proenneke DVDs so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Alone in the Wilderness DVDDick Proenneke retired at age 50 in 1967 and decided to build his own cabin on the shore of Twin Lakes. The first summer he scouted for the best cabin site, and cut and peeled the logs he would need for his cabin. Dick Proenneke returned the next summer to finish the cabin where he lived for over 30 years. Dick filmed his adventures, and Bob Swerer later turned the film into a video so we can all watch this amazing man build his cabin by hand.
Alone in the Wilderness Part 2 DVDDick Proenneke's simple, yet profound account of his 30 year adventure in the remote Alaska wilderness continues in this sequel to "Alone in the Wilderness". Watch through his eyes as he continues to document with his 16mm wind-up Bolex camera, capturing his own amazing craftsmanship, the stunning Alaskan wildlife and scenery and even a visit from his brother Ray (Jake). His epic journey takes you on a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of today's fast-paced society, and is a true breath of fresh air.
The Frozen NorthFor more than 30 years a man by the name of Dick Proenneke lived alone in the Alaskan Bush. His only neighbors were the wolves and grizzly bears and his only transportation was his canoe and a good set of legs. Through the years, Dick kept written journals of daily life at Twin Lakes but would also document much of his adventure on film with his 16 mms Bolex camera. The Frozen North is Dick's own filmed account of his life alone in this "One Man's Wilderness", produced from original footage not included in "Alone in the Wilderness" or "Alaska Silence & Solitude".
Alaska - Silence and SolitudeAlaska Silence & Solitude is the follow up to "Alone in the Wilderness", filmed 20 years later. Bob Swerer and Bob Swerer Sr. visit Dick Proenneke at his famous cabin on Twin Lakes where the wildlife is still abundant and the scenery is spectacular.