Canada's Indigenous Peoples have millennia of deep, accumulated knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the ways to best interact and commune with it that have been passed down through generations.

Books of Indigenous Knowledge
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About Indigenous Knowledge
Canada is blessed to have a wide variety of Indigenous peoples and communities with a vast, deep understanding and appreciation of the natural world, and mankind's place within in. Indigenous authors provide a link and pathway for the wider community to share in this knowledge that has been passed down through millennia, and for this unique and vital perspective to be propagated into the general discourse on Canadians' journey as a nation towards Truth and Reconcilliation.Our Indigenous Knowledge
We stock only the best in Indigenous Knowledge so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Scared Legends of the Sandy Lake CreeA revised edition of Sacred Legends of The Sandy Lake Cree, this book was declared "The best collection of Cree myths" by the Winnipeg Free Press upon it's publication in 1995. It includes stories of windigos, thunderbirds, and avenging gods that once inhabited the boreal forest south of Hudson Bay in what we now call Canada, and is a fascinating, detailed window into the folklore, world view, culture and ancient stories of the Sandy Lake Cree before Europeans arrived.
Legends From The ForestLegends Of The Forest is a collection of foundational stories that are indispensable for understanding boreal culture of the North. Told by Chief Thomas Fiddler, these various tales of Weesakajac (teacher and fool), and other creatures, medicine battles between clans and others stories dramatize the socio-cultural dynamics of Fiddler's homeland and provide a view as to the how-and-why, mysticism, and mystery of boreal cultural.
The Legend of the MimigwesseosThe Legend of the Mimigwesseos contains stories and wood-cut illustrations about the secretive elf-like creatures known as "Mimigwesseos": creatures who were sometimes helpful, but also dangerous to meddle with who lived in the vast water laced boreal forest of the Woodland Cree. While the Mimigwesseos are gone now (along with the underwater moose, talking animals, and the terrifying witigos), this books shares stories about these legendary characters of the spirit world.
Spirit Animals - The Wisdom of NatureSpirit Animals - The Wisdom of Nature is a timeless book authored by award winning and acclaimed Aboriginal writer Wayne Arthurson. In this book he dives into the world of spirit animals to showcase the intrinsic link between the spirituality of Canada's Native peoples and how it was formed by observing the natural world around them.
Spirit AnimalsOur Aboriginal Elders tell of a time when animals and humans could speak to each other. When humans became too greedy and killed more animals than they needed for food, the Creator changed that relationship to protect the animals. So the Creator made a Spirit Animal to represent each one and granted them gifts they could give to people.
Birchbark Canoe - Living Among The AlgonquinIn Birchbark Canoe - Living Among The Algonquin, author David Gidmark chronicles the story of the building of a traditional birchbark canoe and his apprenticeship learning the skills, language and relationship to the land of the Algonquin of western Quebec. A fascinating story not only about building canoes, but also about how to see and relate to the wilderness as the Algonquin do.