Battery packs for camping, hiking, hunting or fishing. By packing in a battery (and solar panel) you can ensure your flashlight is always lit, your GPS always has power, and your iPod will always play tunes.

Battery Packs
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About Battery Packs
Battery packs provide the means to store and discharge power at a predictable rate - key when trying to power smart phones and other modern electronics. Power must be regulated for these devices, so charging a battery pack first, and then pulling power from the pack into your device is often the easiest way to ensure your device will charge correctly, and function when you need it to.
Our Battery Packs
We stock only the best in Battery Packs so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Fenix 21700 V2 Rechargeable Li-Ion BatteryThe Fenix ARB-L21-5000 V2 is a rechargeable li-ion 21700 battery that provides the voltage and power needed for extended runtime and higher lumen capacities, and in addition to protection in the anode, includes three sets of overheat protection: pressure relief, microporous, and a PTC cathodal block.