AAA powered flashlights are small and compact making excellent emergency or every day carry lights for lighting a dark path or finding keyholes in the dark.

AAA Powered Flashlights
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About AAA Powered Flashlights
AAA powered flashlights can be made extremely small and compact - in fact, not much bigger than the AAA cells they house. Perfect on keychains, or in jacket or backpack pockets, they make excellent emergency or every day carry lights for lighting a dark path or finding keyholes in the dark. Offering outputs of up to 100 lumens, AAA flashlights are powerful yet compact light sources that can be lifesavers when one is caught out unexpectedly.
Our AAA Powered Flashlights
We stock only the best in AAA Powered Flashlights so you can rest assured knowing you're COEC Equipped.
Fenix E01 V2 FlashlightWith a max output of 100 lumens, the E01 V2 is a keychain sized flashlight that runs on a single AAA battery. It features three output levels, (high, med and low) and a max runtime of 25 hours. Controlled by a single rotary switch in the head